10 Phrases in English for certainty and probability
Here are 10 key phrases in English you can use for certainty and probability. They will help you sound more convincing or show that you have some doubts.
I’m positive that…
I’m positive that we will make progress on the project. We have already hit most of our targets.
I’m convinced that…
I’m convinced that we need to take a closer look at how things work. At the moment it doesn’t seem right.
I have no doubt that…
I have no doubt that with hard work you will pass the exams!
Reasonable doubt
Chances are that…
Chances are that it will rain again, we’re not having a very good summer!
Odds are that…
Odds are that the team will win, based on their current form.
Unconvincing situations
It’s not very likely
It’s not very likely that I will be able to come at the weekend. It looks like there’s a problem with the trains.
I wouldn’t bet on it – there’s a small chance it could happen but it probably won’t happen
A: I think the new government will make things better
B: I wouldn’t bet on it, politicians are all the same!
I seriously doubt it
A: Do you think our team will win the World Cup?
B: I seriously doubt it, they’re not playing very well
I’d be very surprised if that happened
A: I think they will give us a pay rise at Christmas.
B: I’d be very surprised if that happened as we haven’t hit our targets recently.
There’s not much chance of that
A: I think they will make the necessary changes before the next financial year.
B: There’s not much chance of that now the boss is off sick for the foreseeable future.
These phrases should help you in a work environment although of course you shouldn’t just rely on these. There is a podcast episode on 10 English idioms you can use at work and it can always be a good idea to brush up on your phrasal verbs too.